Sociologists Talking Real Sh*t
Sociologists Talking Real Sh*t
Conversation with Our Grandmother: A discussion of White Male Thought in the "Classics" with the Grandmother of all Disciplines, Philosophy
Join me in a reflexive conversation with Dr. Cara Gillis on the cannons of philosophy and sociology, teaching our disciplines to working-class students of color and women kicking men's ass in sports!
Dr. Cara Gillis is a philosopher who specializes in ethics, particularly in the areas of animal ethics, environmental ethics, and the problem of harm. She’s currently examining the relationship between moral psychology and motivation as it applies to biocentric and ecocentric conceptions of environmental ethics. She received a BA in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario, MAs in philosophy from Cal State Long Beach and UC Irvine, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from UC Irvine. She’s taught in the Community College, Cal State, and University of California systems and is currently a professor of philosophy at Pierce College, where she’s also the Chair of Philosophy and Sociology Department. Although born and raised in the Canadian Maritimes, she moved to southern California in the early aughts to evade the cold and pursue a “career” in road cycling. Her life motto is “How hard can it be?” It turns out some things, particularly the self-reflection and introspection necessary to be an effective educator, are very hard indeed.